. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . where ImagInatIon comes to play

Monday, 21 January 2013



The winter wind nags at me
Burning at my bones
When I dare walk against her;
Offended that I deem myself
A worthy adversary
She tosses this scarf across my face
Mocking me, my gall:
Go inside where you belong!
Her grating voice comes at me
Up from the icy pavement
Rushing snow my way
Playing games
She's bound to win.
 photo: M. Hébert
sculpture, Leo Mol


Anthony Duce said...

This is wonderful. Now I need to take a walk while the wind is still howling.

Marjolaine Hébert said...

You like the dare, huh?
Thank you.. I'm glad you enjoyed.