. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . where ImagInatIon comes to play

Thursday, 17 March 2011

iam semper, in memoria

A trail of sorrow in the snow
The beginnings of conversations
Do you love me's left unanswered
By those you said goodbye to.
Gaped mouths still scream/whisper wait
and but and if only and why?
Five years since, already, still.


Bonhomme Sept Heures said...

You always know how to make the words come to life and give us a snapshot of a moment frozen in time.

Unknown said...

merci marjo

Anthony Duce said...

A complete story. I’m imagining the images too. Love it…

Marjolaine Hébert said...


jool yen said...

beautiful :)

Marjolaine Hébert said...

Thank you Jool.