. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . where ImagInatIon comes to play

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Either accept that you are making 
the choice to stay where you are, and stop complaining, 
or take the risk of creating your life 
exactly the way you want it.


Bonhomme Sept Heures said...

Taking the RISK was hard. But Yes !!! I now created my Life exactly the way I want it....
(Ok, I could use more MONEY !!!)
Thanks for this post on your Blog.

Marjolaine Hébert said...


Carol Blackburn said...

wonderful words, more people should heed them

One Woman's Thoughts said...

As a friend once said . . . either do something about it or stop talking about it because I have heard it already.

I took her up on it and am glad she helped inspire my courage.